Friday, May 27, 2011

A Musical Day followed by a sweet ending

All the kids had music concerts this week-in fact on the same day! I went to a concerts at 10:30, 2:30 and 7:00. They all did a great job and I enjoyed each performance. Camden and Logan sang patriotic songs with their grades at school and Johanna had an oboe solo in a Harry Potter medley in her school band.

Logan loves to sing, but you wouldn't have guessed by watching him. This was his expression the entire concert-except when he was yawning. Yeah! His shirt is still white! He enjoyed a pizza lunch at his Challenge class earlier, so I made him put this shirt on just before singing.

This is as far at my camera would zoom! Johanna and her oboe in action...

Here's the sweet ending-of the week. I just finished this adorable (if I do say so myself) Pikachu pinata tonight. We put him together on Monday night and tonight did all the finish work-it was a lot of cutting and pasting (not as easy without a computer!). We'll enjoy the pictures now before it gets smashed at Camden's birthday party next week.

Johanna and I were covered in flour paste Monday night-so here's the pre-pikachu. Camden and Eddy helped a little-but Logan wouldn't touch the paste-he hates to get dirty!


Jen said...

I wish I could hear your kids sing and play. Your pinata is perfect--have fun smashing!

Danielle said...

impressive pinata-can't wait to see the party photos. Concert photos were cute too. Nice job all around.

Katy said...

Andrea, it's so much fun to see your kids growing up and all the cool things they're doing. I'm so totally impressed by your pinata, who knew???