Sunday, October 10, 2010

I love Fall!!!

I think that October is my favorite month. I love that the holidays are just around the corner. I love harvest time-especially since we live in an agricultural area where produce abounds. It always amazes me that food is so plentiful here-there's no excuse for anyone to go hungry. I love pumpkins and the color orange. I love crisp Fall days and cooler temperatures. I love Fall food!!!
My kids had a great time visiting a local small farm on Friday (no school). We ostensibly went there to pick grapes. The grapes were'nt great, but the hayride, baby goats (cookies and cream), trampoline and big rope swing were! I did get 11 quarts of juice.

Flirty witch? No, it's only Johanna, posing in a picture Grandma H had asked for...cute, huh?

Gluttons for Grapes!! So, eleven quarts of delicious, antitoxidant rich grape juice just wasn't enough, so we drove to Payette (an hour away) to pick some more. Grape heaven-you could smell them and they were literally dripping off the vines. We went there last year and just like then, we all had a fabulous time reveling in the wonderful grape bounty. We probably picked too much, and I will probably regret it as I get more and more tired of steaming grapes this week. It was great though.


Jen said...

I hope that your husband was taking that grape photo--meaning that he had some time with you guys. I see that you're enjoying all the bounty of the fall. Love seeing you!

Katy said...

I've been enjoying the fall weather here in Salem this week, AMAZING.

Danielle said...

October is my favorite month too. But, there is no plentiful bouty in this barren desert I live in. Memories of Oregon and the occasional aspen among the pine trees make me happy though. Fun pictures. Johanna what a cute witch you make!