Do I look old, or what-and that's AFTER photoshoping! Well, it was a beautiful Fall afternoon, and I guess we can't keep those great pictures from five years ago when there were less wrinkles around, since the kids were 8, 5, 2 and not in existance. Oh well, with age comes wisdome, right?
I think you look dang good Andrea. I hope I look as good 5 years and two more kids later! I really like your darker hair. What handsome boys and Johanna is simply adroable in her tuquoise scarf.
My job is supermom-well, trying at least. I'm married to Blake, the acountant, super runner, and gardener. My four kids keep me busy, but I like to have fun and have other interests too. I play in a piano quartet and teach piano. I love to meet and talk with friends, especially my sisters, who I don't get to see very often. I love to cook and bake-good food is a must! Reading a good book is also one of my favorite pastimes.
You don't look like a shriveled prune, I think you look lovely. All the kids look so cute too, very grown up.
I think you look dang good Andrea. I hope I look as good 5 years and two more kids later! I really like your darker hair. What handsome boys and Johanna is simply adroable in her tuquoise scarf.
Great photos! You look fantastic and have such a cute family!
Love the photos, Ang. You do look nice and I LOVE your styling choices. I recognize those sweaters...and the C.Creek scarf! Thanks for sharing.
I think they are beautiful!
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